Voyager cost me $20,000 — Why I’m never using them again

2 min readJan 30, 2021

It’s not often that I’m this upset with a crypto broker. At first I actually liked Voyager because they had a great selection of cryptos to pick from. But after this week they’ve proven they are the most unreliable exchange to trade “size” on.

On January 28th just after midnight I purchased $4,000 worth of DOGE at $0.011 per coin.

Exactly 24 hours later DOGE was above $0.08, I was watching in amazement as my holdings had gone up 8x and now worth $30,000. I was desperately trying to open my Voyager app to sell, but they were down.

Here’s some tweets as DOGE was peaking.

8:57pm “really close” “super soon”
3 hours later… still nothing.

I have zero trust in this exchange going forward.

Look to some extent I get it. I think they said they were receiving 100 new accounts requests per minute as DOGE was the hot topic of the past 48 hours.

  • Going down is okay. But going down for nearly 24 hours straight is not. People need a way to access their funds.
  • I understand that new customer acquisitions are key for Voyager, but sacrificing your existing customers to do so is unacceptable.
  • When I did sell my $8,000 worth of DOGE, it made me do it in 2 orders because “the max sell size is $5,000.” What? Why should I trade on a platform that isn’t built for sizable positions? (assuming they’re even up..)

I finally got on the app to sell this morning, my 8x was only a 2x. Profit is profit, but if Voyager had let me sell when I wanted to I would have $20,000 more. Enough to pay off my student loans. Thanks Voyager..

